Tahoe Mack


As an artist from Las Vegas, Nevada, I am inspired by the wide open flat Mojave Desert and the artistic community that has bloomed there. Over the past few years, I have contributed to the growing arts community in my home town and pursued dual degrees in Art and Business at the University of Oregon.

In my work, I explore the natural world, through manipulating found objects. Through a multidisciplinary approach, I create 2D and 3D works that contemplate the complexities of the natural world and our human connection to it. Drawing inspiration from animals and other life forms, I use a variety of mediums including painting, photography, and sculpture to manipulate and transform commonly found objects. I am drawn to the interplay of contrasting materials, transitions between them, and intricate textures found in subtle details.

I draw from a variety of aesthetic inspirations which influence my work. I enjoy using antique or found objects, which is a tendency that goes back growing up in a family of pawn brokers. I was surrounded by antique objects and valuable handmade craftwork since I was a child. The sensibilities found in Native American, Spanish, Indian, and retro American art and craft were around me and have inspired visual cues in the work I have created.

The life cycled of animals and insects I have from brilliant captured photos and my own experiences in nature has informed the work I made this year and inspired the ideas.


Breath, 2023

Steel rod, doily relief on burlap,spray paint, bandsaw blades,

Breath, 2023

Steel rod, doily relief on burlap,spray paint, bandsaw blades,

Latent, 2023

Headless rocking horse, wooden beads, pearl pins, scarf, rabbit fur, braided cardboard, boot lining, stuffed rabbit, burlap,bandsaw blades,baseball balls and mitt


Molt, 2023

Steel rod frame, an old burnt sweater, tissue paper, baseballs, teddy bear, wool thread, hooks, paint, pink satin, green mesh and thread


Molt, 2023

Steel rod frame, an old burnt sweater, tissue paper, baseballs, teddy bear, wool thread, hooks, paint, pink satin, green mesh and thread

Molt, 2023

Steel rod frame, an old burnt sweater, tissue paper, baseballs, teddy bear, wool thread, hooks, paint, pink satin, green mesh and thread


baby teeth in a small satin ring box, 2023

Salvaged steel rod, baseball mitts, baseballs, punching bag, stuffed bear, rusted tire chain



baby teeth in a small satin ring box, 2023

Salvaged steel rod, baseball mitts, baseballs, punching bag, stuffed bear, rusted tire chain



Dermis, 2023

Steel rod, old baby blanket, acrylic paint, rabbit fur from an old boot, hot glue, wooden finial from a University of Oregon frat house



Dermis, 2023

Steel rod, old baby blanket, acrylic paint, rabbit fur from an old boot, hot glue, wooden finial from a University of Oregon frat house



Sage Kosmala


Courtney McCall